Danny Nash

Danny grew up on a small family farm in downtown Manhattan, New York. Like Jesus, he was raised by his mother because, also like Jesus, his father was always busy working. He studied the Gladiatorial Arts at the University of Phoenix before dropping out to pursue a career in music. He was one of the original members of One Direction, but was asked to resign for being, ‘too drunk.’ If you ask him though, he left of his own accord because he didn’t want to be in a band with, “a bunch of stupid jerks.” After hitting rock bottom, he took an interest in politics and began writing for The Mideast Beast. He literally can’t remember any other part of his life. He is also smarter than you and everyone you’ve ever known.


Palestinians Growing Nostalgic for Glory Days of Jordanian and Egyptian Occupation

Palestinians Growing Nostalgic for Glory Days of Jordanian and Egyptian Occupation

With the world now witnessing the forty-ninth year of Israeli control over parts of the West Bank, Palestinian residents of the territory are beginning to feel pangs of nostalgia for simpler times. Most people feel nostalgia for things like the Power Rangers, or Super Nintendo, or freedom from the crushing realization that time marches ever forward while affording you fewer and...

Israel Found Guilty…..of Treating Homosexuals with Respect

Israel Found Guilty…..of Treating Homosexuals with Respect

Among the many charges leveled at the State of Israel is the claim that the country engages in ‘pinkwashing.’  In other words, people find it suspicious that Israel treats homosexuals like people.  “Look, the gays are icky.  Israel can’t actually accept them.  They’re clearly up to something,” explained social justice warrior Anita Cohen. RELATED: Gays Now Majority of Population in Tel...

Disappointed Man Discovers that Famous Israeli Salad is Just Cucumbers and Tomatoes

Disappointed Man Discovers that Famous Israeli Salad is Just Cucumbers and Tomatoes

“It’s just kind of bland,” said Ari Hirsch after trying his first bite of Israeli salad. The Philadelphia native was “super stoked” to try the supposed famous delicacy for the first time today. Hirsch has heard tales of the legendary food for years from family, friends, teachers, and fellow synagogue patrons. “’It’s healthy,’ ‘it’s delicious,’ ‘it’s real Israeli food!’ I’ve...

Nuclear Deal That Took Years To Negotiate Dismissed In Minutes By Armchair Politicians On Twitter
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Nuclear Deal That Took Years To Negotiate Dismissed In Minutes By Armchair Politicians On Twitter

“Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s nclr deal is #awful #worstpresidenteva!” said renowned Twitter scholar @Obama_St1nks in response to the deal designed to slow Iran’s nuclear marathon. @Obama_St1nks is not alone in his or her opinion, as hundreds of Twitter academics flocked to join his or her dissension. It does appear that the highly educated and influential intellectuals of social media have deconstructed...

Analysts Fear That Celebrity Name “Netanyabbas” Will Remain Unused

Analysts Fear That Celebrity Name “Netanyabbas” Will Remain Unused

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has inflicted terrible costs in blood and treasure. But a new loss has recently been highlighted by a number of Middle East analysts and entertainment magazines. TMZ Mid-East analyst, DJ Izzypal explained; “What we have here is a chance for the next Brangelina, if only a peace treaty could be signed. The world has been watching Bibi...

Israeli-Arabs Officially Demoted to Coach-Class Citizens

Israeli-Arabs Officially Demoted to Coach-Class Citizens

For years, Israeli-Arabs have complained that they are treated like second-class citizens in their own country. The Israeli government has long denied this claim, maintaining that Israeli-Arabs have enough rights and to stop being such a bunch of whiners. Now in response to the complaints, the Israeli government has decided to officially bump Israeli-Arabs from second class to coach class,...

ISIS Leaders Encourage Citizen Vigilance in Detecting “Liberalized Cells” Within Islamic State
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ISIS Leaders Encourage Citizen Vigilance in Detecting “Liberalized Cells” Within Islamic State

Today, as the threat of violent attacks perpetrated by ISIS-inspired individuals has Western nations increasingly concerned about terror cells and lone wolves, ISIS officials implored their own people take precautions as well.  Leaders of the Islamic State have learned that a number of clandestine “liberalized” cells may threaten the society they have worked to hard to build.  Officials warn that...

U.S. Waiting for ISIS To Descend Into Fatal Spiral of Internal Violence, ISIS Waiting For U.S. To Do The Same

U.S. Waiting for ISIS To Descend Into Fatal Spiral of Internal Violence, ISIS Waiting For U.S. To Do The Same

Following a yet another mass shooting in the United States, this time in San Bernardino, CA, which left 14 people dead, ISIS leaders made their pleasure at the violence known.  “This is exactly what we hope for.  The Great Satan will destroy itself through the normalization of gun violence,” a statement released on social media announced earlier today.  “Look at...

Following Pressure from Liberals, France Declares War on France to Defeat ISIS
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Following Pressure from Liberals, France Declares War on France to Defeat ISIS

In the time that has passed since the terror attacks in France, everyone from President Obama to your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving has weighed in on how the world’s number one exporter of baguettes and lovesick skunks should respond.  Right wing demagogues have advocated for a merciless, chest thumping, scorched-earth type of approach to ISIS’s actions while liberals, sometimes called...

“A State Based on a Single Religion is Unjust,” Declare Muslim Nations

“A State Based on a Single Religion is Unjust,” Declare Muslim Nations

Today, a group of Muslim states including the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, released a statement making clear that they view Israel’s existence as a Jewish State as being contrary to the ideals of democracy and human welfare. The statement posited, “How can a state based upon serving a single...

U.S. Releases Israel’s Worst Spy, Ever

U.S. Releases Israel’s Worst Spy, Ever

In most professions, the better someone is at what they do, the more well known they become.  In fact, this is the goal for many careers, such as acting, playing basketball, or even writing for a website focused on satirizing one oddly specific and batshit crazy part of the globe.  However, one career path where the absolute opposite is true...