Danny Nash

Danny grew up on a small family farm in downtown Manhattan, New York. Like Jesus, he was raised by his mother because, also like Jesus, his father was always busy working. He studied the Gladiatorial Arts at the University of Phoenix before dropping out to pursue a career in music. He was one of the original members of One Direction, but was asked to resign for being, ‘too drunk.’ If you ask him though, he left of his own accord because he didn’t want to be in a band with, “a bunch of stupid jerks.” After hitting rock bottom, he took an interest in politics and began writing for The Mideast Beast. He literally can’t remember any other part of his life. He is also smarter than you and everyone you’ve ever known.


Anonymous Hacks U.S. Predator Drones, Begins Bombing ISIS Strongholds

Anonymous Hacks U.S. Predator Drones, Begins Bombing ISIS Strongholds

In the aftermath of the recent terror attacks in Paris, the “hacktivist” group “Anonymous” vowed revenge against the terrorist group responsible.  Following a number of threats against ISIS, Anonymous began releasing and shutting down ISIS-linked Twitter accounts.  But today marks an escalation that no one expected.  As laser-guided missiles began to rain down on ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria,...

Jesus Returns, Is Promptly Stabbed By Palestinian Teen
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Jesus Returns, Is Promptly Stabbed By Palestinian Teen

After her recent trip to the Holy land, Michele Bachmann declared that the return of Jesus Christ was imminent. The one-time Presidential hopeful and now America’s resident queen of batshit crazy, announced the urgent need to convert Jews to Christianity because of the return of Nazareth’s mascot. But as most people wrote Bachmann off as spewing more of her craziness, against...

Radical Muslims Applaud RCA Decision to Ban Women Rabbis

Radical Muslims Applaud RCA Decision to Ban Women Rabbis

Nothing brings enemies together quite like hating on a third party. This was the case for the U.S. and Soviet Union in WWII, for the X-Men and Magneto in the fantastic X2, and now for American Rabbis and Radical Muslim groups worldwide. This week, in a surprise twist totally predictable ending, the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) introduced a resolution...

Netflix To Expand Into Middle East, End All Conflicts

Netflix To Expand Into Middle East, End All Conflicts

In the kind of world-changing announcement that usually only follows Ryan Seacrest saying, “the winner of American Idol is…,” Netflix revealed to the world that they were be expanding their services into one of the most explosive parts of the world, the Middle East. While this may not seem like big news to some, many analysts are viewing this expansion as a...

Neo-Nazi Groups Furious At Netanyahu’s “Attempt to Give Credit For The Fuhrer’s Final Solution to a Dirty A-Rab”

Neo-Nazi Groups Furious At Netanyahu’s “Attempt to Give Credit For The Fuhrer’s Final Solution to a Dirty A-Rab”

Amid increasing anger about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Jerusalem’s Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini was the one who gave Adolf Hitler the idea of the final solution, a number of groups have made their discontent known. This is true of people from all ends of the political spectrum including confused pro-Israel groups and indignant pro-Palestinian groups. But one...

Dream of Independent Palestinian State Wounded in Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

Dream of Independent Palestinian State Wounded in Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem

At the scene of a grisly attack, medics and soldiers swarmed the scene like bees on a hive. Initial reports indicate that the victim was walking through the streets of Jerusalem when a Palestinian teen ran up and attacked without any apparent cause. The assailant is currently at large, while medical personnel are currently treating the victim, who has been identified...

Jerusalem Activists Begin Bold ‘Freedom Stabbing’ Initiative, US College Groups Consider Doing the Same in Solidarity

Jerusalem Activists Begin Bold ‘Freedom Stabbing’ Initiative, US College Groups Consider Doing the Same in Solidarity

In what is considered yet another victory for the Palestinian cause, activists in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv have embarked on a bold new campaign. The new initiative, ‘Freedom Stabbing,’ involves, as its name implies, stabbing people until the rights of the Palestinian people are recognized. “This type of behavior is clearly a natural product of the occupation,” says Jon Gold,...

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Dictionary (Part I)
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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Dictionary (Part I)

Israel noun (iz-ree-uh-l) Middle Eastern founded in 1948, the nation-state of the Jewish People. Imperialist, colonial extension of the West, inserted artificially into the Middle East by stealing Arab land. Palestine noun (pal-uh-stahyn) The region, formerly under control of the British Mandate, which includes modern Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories. Named by the Romans following their conquest of the...

114 Israelis, 42 Palestinians Dead (Statistically)

114 Israelis, 42 Palestinians Dead (Statistically)

When two parties have been warring for decades in a seemingly endless conflict, death becomes a mundane occurrence. Rampant hatred results in a brutal cycle of violence which ebbs and flows almost like clockwork. Within this context, it’s not unsurprising that many deaths go unreported. Many consider the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be the most intractable in the world, and still...

God Covers Shameful State of Mideast Affairs With Giant Dust Storm

God Covers Shameful State of Mideast Affairs With Giant Dust Storm

With the number of casualties and refugees created by the Syrian civil war continuing to grow, Israeli-Palestinian tensions beginning to boil over, and the spread of ISIS through the region, it’s no wonder that God just couldn’t stand to look at the Middle East anymore. It was as a result of all this violence and strife that the Creator decided...