
Porn Brings Israeli and Palestinian Teens Together at Co-Existence Summer Camp

ISRAEL — In turns out that, of all things, porn has helped Israelis and Palestinians find common ground for peace and coexistence. Yona Cohen, a 16-year old from Jerusalem told us, “I was at one of those ‘co-existence’ camps this past summer and I was bored out my mind. I figured I’d just pass the time by watching a little porn on my iPhone. That’s when Ahmed, a Palestinian camper, saw what I was looking at. I thought ‘shit, now I’m in trouble’ but he leaned over and said ‘dude, turn on your Wi-Fi and you can adjust the quality of the video. I only watch in 4K’. And that was it, bond formed!”

“I had always felt a bit strange about how often I spank my rabbi, but it turns out that Ahmed does the same,” Cohen told The Mideast Beast. “Yup, it’s true, I choke my Imam every chance I get,” said the 17-year old from Ramallah. “My parents sometimes worry why I’m always in my room. But when they hear me talking to the Imam, they just think I’m in prayer study. So, you know, win-win.

Yona and Ahmed have been friends ever since. It’s not always easy for the spanker and choker to meet up; much of their friendship has to take place online or texting. “Sometimes I’m sitting in class and Ahmed will message me an awesome video, and always in 4K. I think my teacher is on to me, though. I take so many bathroom breaks ever since we became friends. But, I can’t keep the rabbi waiting.

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