The American Left has admitted that it misses the days when it didn’t have to be mad about bombing foreign countries. Dick Meskil, a liberal from Berkeley, California, explained his frustration, “Remember when President Obama ordered a drone strike killing a 16-year-old American kid? Now if it had been Bush or Trump, I would have been really mad, but deep in my heart, I knew Obama could be trusted. That teenager was definitely a threat to American security!”
“Now I’ll admit when Snowden told us how the government was collecting all our metadata, spying on the European Union, and foreign leaders? I was a little concerned. But then Obama promised to respect our privacy, and as I gazed into that beautiful face of his, I knew it would be okay.”
In Afghanistan, a farmer named Abaagul told TMB, “Of course I was really angry when my entire family got killed in that wedding bombing. I remember seeing my wife cradling my dead 7-year-old daughter and my brother missing his legs. But then I remembered how Obama stood up against police brutality in America, and I got over it. But now I’m mad again because Trump uses bad words when he bombs us!”