
‘This might be more complicated than we thought,’ admits everyone

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The professional commentator and activist communities were all thrown into joint turmoil recently with confirmation that the UAE and Egypt had combined forces to bomb pickup truck-driving locals in downtown Tripoli.

“Say what now?” asked Expressive Dance student, Evan Gents, from his squat in the East End of London. “Woah, you’re blowing my mind. Do I need to add some more lines to this ‘Stop the War’ placard? Why can’t anything be simple? I’m seriously considering not going on the march this Friday and just getting my 10,000 word dissertation done instead.”

RELATED: Thank God that UAE pilot is foxy

Andrew Latum, Director of the Washington Think Tank “Center for Complicated Stuff Well Above the Understanding of Mere Mortals”, was very clear about the impact of the latest developments. “Well the main thing is that I will be appearing on CNN, Fox & Friends and I have to get this op-ed for the New York Times in ASAP. Personally I’m thinking of blaming the French. I don’t know why, but I think it will play well on the Hill.”

One White House spokesman was happy to provide a clear explanation for those struggling to make sense of the latest developments, “Basket of puppies anyone? Come on who wants to look at this lovely basket of puppies? Look at their little furry faces, and their big paws…”

Owner of the False Flag website www.lizardjews.com, John Smith was able to cut through the complexity for everyone “Definitely the Jews, always the Jews.”

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