In a snub that has inserted politics into the world’s most popular film genre, Egyptian porn star Muhammed al-Qadibi walked off the set following a scene with an Israeli co-star before the money shot.
The act was seen across the adult film world as a serious violation of industry etiquette, as co-stars are always expected to follow each scene with a money shot regardless of one another’s nationality. Al-Qadibi, however, insisted that he would not legitimize Israel’s existence by ejaculating on one of its citizens.
“I will not contribute to the illegal occupation regime by busting my nut on any Zionist breasts,” he explained.
Al-Qadibi’s actions earned him a rebuke from his government, as Egypt’s foreign minister said that “porn and politics must be kept separate.”
Iran’s top fighter, however, refused to succumb to political pressure. When his government told him to forgo the money shot in his orgy scene with a group of Israelis, Kamran Kiri instead renounced his Iranian citizenship and has applied for asylum in Germany.