
Trudeau to Pay O.J. Simpson $10 Million

Image from ABC in "OJ Simpson granted parole after Las Vegas robbery" at http://abcn.ws/2vovwNg

Saying that his government was “terribly sorry” about the way the former NFL superstar has been treated following his conviction on charges of armed robbery, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has agreed to pay $10 million to O.J. Simpson.

“Just like Omar Khadr, O.J. is the true victim,” said Trudeau, referring to the former Guantanamo detainee also given a $10 million payout by the Canadian government. “It is only fair that people arrested and imprisoned for their crimes are rewarded handsomely by the Canadian government.”

Khadr, who was imprisoned after killing a US soldier in Afghanistan, had sued the government for failing to protect him as a Canadian citizen. While Trudeau acknowledged that Simpson was not technically a Canadian, the fact that he played just minutes from the Canadian border in Buffalo, Trudeau said, gave Canada a responsibility to protect him.

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