Neo-Nazi David Duke has accused Twitter of “white supremacism” after it mistakenly suspended and later reinstated Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s account.
Believing he was interviewed by the KKK’s Gaza office, Duke spoke to The Mideast Beast.
“I know racism when I see it. My suntanned brother Louie, who survived countless microaggressions by bigoted Zionist termites, is now a victim of Twitter’s white supremacism. It breaks my white heart.”
Farrakhan who believed he was interviewed by Ilhan Omar’s Jihad-trainee cousin shared his frustration with The Mideast Beast: “The Tel Aviv Synagogue of Bikini Satan is once again taunting me through its racist Twitter proxy. Banning me from a social platform? I have not said one word of hate since breakfast. I do not hate termite-free accidental Jews like Bernie Sanders. I am not a misogynist or homophobe. I believe in equality for every infidel under Islam’s benevolently supremacist boots.”
Duke and Farrakhan who co-founded the new anti-racist project “Ebony and Ivory”, pleaded to The Mideast Beast readers. “Bigots always seek to silence outspoken critics like us today and Hitler and Saddam Hussein yesterday. Be open-minded and don’t judge us by the color of our political skin.”